No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Posted By on April 19, 2021

It took me about an hour to figure out if I was waking up or I needed to just go back to bed.

I got up with Caroline to take her to school.

When I got back, I couldn’t figure out what my body wanted to do.

Finally, I sorted out that I am awake.

This week has been a series of highs and lows. 

My stress levels are up due to a number of things.

I recognize this and am trying to do all my tricks to lower this stress.

Some of it is working but not as well as it has in the past.

I might go somewhere and just scream for a bit.

Today I am giving myself space to do what I can and not beat myself up over what I don’t get to.

No list but I have a number of things I want to do.

I have learned to listen to my body and adjust accordingly.

Stress is bad for both one’s physical and mental health.

On the positive side, Caroline is getting her second shot on Thursday. At that point we will all be vaccinated (plus two weeks).

I am going to go do something and then move onto the next thing until I can’t anymore.

I am grateful for things that help my stress.


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