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Kathleen David's weblog

RTBCKI Two Shots done now two weeks wait

Posted By on April 16, 2021

I received my second shot of the Pfizer vaccine yesterday. Now I wait two weeks and I can make plans to see some friends I haven’t seen in ages.

This morning I have a very sore arm and my joints are achy. I have been drinking water like it is going out of style so I am hoping that will mitigate any symptoms.

I do have things to do. However, I am going to let my body dictate what I get done today.

The last week has been hard for a variety of reasons. I had to go to the ER due to serious pain in my abdomen after seeing my GP. His concern was about my appendix considering where the pain was. After a CAT scan, I am no closer to knowing what is going on. So, I am going to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist to see what is going on with my GI track.

Caroline ended up in the ER after injuring her back at school and she passed out twice. She followed up with her GP and now has a laundry list of specialists they want her to see to figure out what is going on with her. All we do know is that she bruised a set of muscles in her lower back. 

Peter is doing well. Thank goodness. At least one functions adult in the house is a good thing.

Next week Caroline gets her second Pfizer shot and I will be able to let go of the breath I have been holding since she started in person school again.

In three weeks, we will all be fully vaccinated.

Work this week was fine. There is a groove to it right now. I feel like we are playing less catchup than we have been. 

I have plans for this weekend including creating a costume piece for Caroline. Actually, I will be observing Caroline doing the bulk of it. The more she does hands on, the more she learns. She is getting good at sewing and I want to encourage her to expand what she can do.

I am going to start one of two projects that have been rattling around in my head.

This along with the usual errands and chores we have to keep the house in some sort of order.

I need to find a way to download all my Photobucket photos onto my computer. I am so done with that company it is not even funny but some of those photos seem only to be there.

I also need some help with my website. I am trying to see what I can do but I could use some eyes to tell me what they think about it. is the web address. I do know I need to put more in the blog for people to have new content and figure out where I can promote it so I can sell some puppets.

But today I listen to my body and do what I need to do to get things in order.

I am grateful for getting the second vaccine and feeling hope for my future.


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