No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

International Siblings Day 2021 edition

Posted By on April 10, 2021

Today we are to celebrate our brothers and sisters.

I have two cool brothers and an amazing sister. If you know Sean, Sheila and/or Patrick, you know what I mean. I am proud to be the oldest in the group and watch them grow and succeeded. 

Then I have what I call my extended family of people who feel like family to me.

When I was much younger and starting to go to conventions, we had a set of adults that kept an eye on us. We called them our Science Fiction Aunts and Uncles. They made sure we didn’t get into too much trouble and we knew if we were uncomfortable with the attention we were getting from older adults, we could go to them and be believed.

I consider my friend Mary Aileen a sister. We have known each other for over fifty years now. I know she is in my corner and I am in hers. We can talk to each other about anything and everything without having to censor ourselves. Hers is the longest consistent friendship I have.

I have my convention family, my theater family, my puppetry family, among others.

There are crossovers in those categories but that is the way of friendship.

I have friends that know I am a shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen. I know which of my friends will do the same for me.

My chosen family knows I have their backs as does my blood family.

I love my brothers and sisters will all my heart. 

I am grateful for my blood relations and chosen family.


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