No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI Gut Wrenching

Posted By on April 9, 2021

The last couple of days have not been fun. My digestive tract went into serious rebellion and I am still dealing with the fall out.

I did manage to work under these conditions. It was a bit difficult, but I did it. Lots and lots of water got me through it.

If this doesn’t ease, I will go see my Doctor.

I have a plan for today and tomorrow. I am leaving Sunday a little loosey goosey. 

I have work Tuesday through Thursday next week.

Mewlan, our scaredy cat, has taken a turn towards the cuddly. For the first time since we got her, she has come to me and asked for pets by tapping my elbow with her paw. She has gone to everyone in the house for pets and seems much more comfortable with all of us. There is less scampering when you walk towards her.

Phoebe comes up to sleep with us sometime between midnight and one am. She curls up on various places on the bed. Sometimes cuddling up next to Peter and other times on top of me. She loves it when I am on my left side because she can settle in. Less so for the right.

Inky has taken to sleeping next to me. I think she knows I will keep her safe from the other cats.

Fig has been spending more time in laps. She wants to be stroked and petted until she falls asleep. Considering she is our senior cat, it makes sense. She is still not happy when any of the other cats are getting any attention from Caroline.

Thursday will be my second shot of the Pfizer vaccine. By May, I will be totally vaccinated. Next Thursday will be Caroline’s second shot so again by May, the entire family will be vaccinated.

We have to take Peter’s car in for service today. That is being put into the equation of what I want to do.

Time to really start my day.

Get vaccinated. It will work if we all do it.

I am grateful for things that ease my stomach.


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