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Kathleen David's weblog

MMHCI Fatigue

Posted By on April 5, 2021

Not physical fatigue but mental fatigue.

This past week was a series of ‘if we didn’t have bad luck, we would have no luck at all’.

That wears on one like Marley’s chains.

I am not in my pit of despair; however, I am tired.

I am working on pushing through these feelings and getting things done.

I don’t want to wallow in this. I don’t want to give in to curling up in a ball or losing myself into playing on my iPad.

And that can be hard to do.

I am making today a one foot in front of the other day.

I will start with something that needs to be done then move onto the next thing until I get into the groove again.

I do know that this too shall pass. I just want it to pass faster.

I am grateful for whatever I can get done this week.


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