No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

RTBCKI Thinking about the future

Posted By on March 27, 2021

Both the near future, an hour or so, and the far future, this time next year.

I have, for the most part, been living in the now for the past year.

Partially because I didn’t really see anything changing week to week as we were in our stay-at-home phase and toilet paper crisis.

Even with a job, I stayed in the moment being so very careful not to bring the virus home.

I am still going to be careful and observe all safety protocols.

There is a change that has made me start thinking past the pandemic.

Peter is fully vaccinated now and, as of Friday, will be safe from the virus.

That makes me happy, but the moment of change for me was when the needle went into my arm this past Thursday and I received my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine and I have an appointment on April 15th for my second shot. That means by the end of April, I will be vaccinated.

Now we just have to get Caroline in the shooting match. We have her on the waste list at CVS and we are going to add her to a few more around the area pharmacies. I want her to be vaccinated before she goes to Prom.

Then the family will be vaccinated with little cards to prove it.

After that, with safety measures in place, parts of the world are our oyster.

I can think about travel again although I know that is in a couple of months.

I can think about what I want to do down the road because I am not worried about getting deathly ill or Peter catching something from me because I am asymptomatic. 

It is hope in a bottle.

I can contemplate what I want to do for conventions again.

I can think about going to see my parents and siblings again.

I was talking to Caroline during our daily walk the other day and realized that I have not hugged my parents in more than a year. She gave me a hug for support and hopes she never has to go this long without hugging me. She missed hugging her grandparents too.

There is a future ahead of me that is not stuck in the now anymore.

And that makes me feel good.

I am grateful for the vaccine.


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