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Kathleen David's weblog

Monday Mental Health Check-In: A Year Later

Posted By on March 22, 2021

I did the first one of these about this time last year.

It has been a rollercoaster.

This past week was not one of my best. 

Even though I got a vaccine appointment, and some other things went right, I have been having just a feeling of dread and anxiety, which puts more stress on my body. This turns into a vicious cycle that spirals me downward.

I am frustrated that I am unable to get things done and can’t seem to step back and take a breath.

This is all OK.

We have good days and bad days.

This past week was not my week so I will pick myself up and try again.

It is when I throw in the towel and give up, I know I am in trouble.

I am going back to what works for me to get myself moving forward.

This means making lists so I can see that I am making progress especially when I don’t think I am.

This means making sure I am taking proper care of myself because I can’t take care of others if I can’t take care of me.

I can do this.

I am grateful for what I have learned to get me through these kind of things.


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