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Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI Peter is going for his second shot today

Posted By on March 19, 2021

Peter is going into NYC to the Javits to get his second shot of the Pfizer vaccine. 

I have an appointment on the 25th for my first shot of the Pfizer vaccine.

Caroline is going on the waste list at a couple of pharmacies in the area.

I feel like I can almost breath again.

Once we can get all three of us vaccinated, I think we will all feel better.

My parents are fully vaccinated which I am very grateful for since they are in good health but also in their 80s.

Today is errand day along with some other things that MUST BE DONE.

This weekend Caroline has a number of social events she is going to attended under the CDC guidelines.

I have a couple of projects I want to get done.

The big one right now is sorting puppet patterns since I have found three bags of unsorted patterns I have accumulated over the years. It is time for me to figure out what I have and, I hope, find some missing pieces.

I am grateful for the various vaccines that will protect my family and friends.


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