No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Procrastinating on Mental Health

Posted By on March 15, 2021

The mental health of the world right now is not good.

It has been a year of the pandemic turning our lives upside down.

The stresses on us all are great and it is taking its toll on us all.

I am hearing people talk about their mental health. Probably more so this past year than ever before.

My bigger concern are those who are talking about their mental health and dismissing it.

“Others have it worse.”

“I know I should do something but I don’t have the time right now.”

And then there are those who cannot afford it. They lost their insurance due to COVID along with their job and they are scrapping pennies together just to get by.

Mental health must be as important as physical health.

One’s mental state effects one’s physical state.

People think of them as separate, but they are not.

I am an advocate for mental health.

I have dealt with mental health issues that have taken their toll on me physically. 

I know how hard it can be to ask for help.

I know how one tells oneself, “I can’t be depressed because I was happy the other day for a little while.”

“Oh, I am just stressed about (fill in the blank) so once that is gone, I’ll be fine.”

Stress is very bad for the body.

There is also the stigma about mental illness in various groups.

You are seen as weak or crazy if you seek help.

These communities are suspicious of the whole mental health system for various reasons.

I have tried to commit suicide and got help.

I have been severely depressed to the point of non-functional.

I am currently on medication to help relieve the anxiety and depression I was feeling. 

Eventually I hope to get off these drugs and feel even.

But today is not that day.

I need the help to be able to do what I need to do.

There is no stigma in this.

Please if you are feeling sad all the time or show the signs of depression, get help.

There are phone lines you can call to talk to someone totally anonymously about how you are feeling.

Don’t procrastinate on this. 

The sooner you get help, the sooner you will feel normal again.

I am grateful for things that help my mental health.


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