No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

It is National Procrastination Week

Posted By on March 14, 2021

Well, it was last week but it was put off until this week.

According to several articles I read these are why we procrastinate and how we can avoid it.

Five Main Reasons For Procrastination
1. Perfectionism
2. Dislike task or person
3. Too tired
4. Fear of failure, success, or finishing
5. Not part of goals

Five Ways To Avoid Procrastination
1. Find the answer to ‘What’s In It For Me.”
2. Chunk your time – set a timer.
3. Watch out for time gobblers – internet, email, TV, phone, socializing, unimportant notices and forwards.
4. Delegate when the task is not part of your priority.
5. Make it fun by rewarding yourself.

I am a card-carrying procrastinator or would be if I hadn’t procrastinated about putting the card in my wallet.

I have learned various techniques to stop procrastinating. It doesn’t help when I procrastinate on these techniques.

In my artwork, I know I am a bit of a perfectionist. People see my work and are amazing at what I have made. All I see are the flaws and short cuts I had to take to get the project done by a deadline. My new mantra is done is better than perfect and that has helped me to get things done.

I am pretty good at time management however I can forget to add that little bit one always needs for that which goes wrong. I set alarms to keep me on track and so I don’t go way over my time allotted.

Lists are important to keeping me on track. I will admit to procrastinating on creating the lists. That is an issue in itself. I am going to start making myself punch lists on a white board to keep myself honest.

I am working on my task aversion which seems to live in overdrive. I am adding ‘just do it’ to my mantra list.

Why I avoid things is a really mixed bag. I know one of my problems is too many ideas and goals that don’t have a real deadline, but I should do them. Once I have a real hard deadline, like the puppet slam at DragonCon, I am off to the races.

Then there is the feeling of defeat as a project started doesn’t get done and as each day passes, I beat myself up for not doing the project and then put it off again because I am scared of failure.

This happens a lot with my writing. I have so many works in progress that I am embarrassed, which leads to more procrastination.

I have found that when I do get a project done, I need a day before starting the next one. I have learned to give myself that space if I have the time.

It has taken me a long time to work through my procrastination issues. I know I have a way to go but I know I can do it.

I am grateful for things that help me not procrastinate.


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