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Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI How about Consequence Culture?

Posted By on March 13, 2021

I have always hated the term cancel culture. It just rubs me the wrong way.

There should be consequences for one’s actions or inactions.

I have a problem with people being tarred and feathered for things they did back in the day unless the bad behavior has continued to this day.

People learn and change. Things that were said at an early age might not reflect what the person believes now.

Some of it comes from parroting what one’s parents believed until one learns that their parents were problematic with their views. Where one grows up can do this as well.

If you are told that _ is bad over and over, you tend to assume that is correct.

Once one gets out of those kind of bubbles, like going off to college, and one learns about __ to discover it is not that evil/bad/end of the world.

One does have to want to change and learn.

I am of the firm opinion that all Americans should make a trip to a foreign country at some point in their lives. It changes one’s perspective about both the United States and the world at large.

One can also learn more about the world from the immigrants who come here.

I am glad I can go to New York city and visit parts of the city where various groups have made that part of the city their own.

Even visiting other states and city can give one a different perspective on this country.

I do believe people who have gotten away with bad behavior, especially when it harms others, should be called out. People with the power should not be able to use that power to force others to do things against their will.

I agree with Disney for putting a context to the Muppet Show. It was shot in the 70s and things have changed in the last 50 years. Jokes that we didn’t even blink at can feel uncomfortable now. I think it shows growth as a society. A good friend of Jim Henson said Jim would have approved this without missing a step.

We can put some things in context and learn from them, so we do not repeat the behavior.

I am sure there are things we are saying now that will, in 50 years, be problematic.

For those who refuse to learn, then let’s see if we can teach them what my parents taught me at a young age.

What you do has consequences, and you have to take responsibility for it.

I am grateful for those who have managed to grow out of bad behaviors.


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