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Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI A Touch of Spring before back to Winter

Posted By on March 12, 2021

It is already 52 degrees Fahrenheit outside. The high will be in the mid-sixties.

We have our first crocus in our yard.

(For the VI: This is a top view of purple crocus in the grass)

Sad to know it is going to freeze tonight.

It has been nice to go out with just a hoodie or shirt sleeves.

March is like that with temperature changes that feel like a roller coaster.

Today is errand day and I have a bit of a list to do.

Then I will do some of the weekend cleaning and turn my mind to the creative arts.

Caroline and I have some things we want to do over the weekend mostly indoors.

Monday, I work and we go from there.

I am enjoying this preview of Spring. 

I am not looking forward to the time change this weekend.

I am grateful for signs of Spring.


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