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Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI Banana Smoothies

Posted By on March 7, 2021

This morning I made us banana smoothies for breakfast. They were very tasty.

Caroline is meeting up with a friend at the mall. They are looking at Prom Dresses. Yes, Caroline is planning on going to prom. Where does the time go?

Today I have a number of directions the day could go. 

I am proud how much I got done yesterday. It was a productive day. 

I am hoping today will be the same.

I want to get some writing done.

I just have a few things on my plate before that. 

Less than I thought I would have.

I did learn my lesson that medication only works if one remembers to take it. When I don’t, I sleep a lot with a wangdoodle of a headache.

My tremors are acting up again. Not as bad as last time however I do have to make sure I have a firm grip before picking something up. No idea why they are flaring up.

I saw another entry on the Internet that got me to thinking.

“So many folks are talk about how they’re being “forced to accept” things that go against their beliefs.

You’re not being forced to accept them.

If you have a problem with a group of people who don’t live or believe like you, then you are still welcome to feel however you want to feel about those people.

You are just not allowed to make their lives harder because of your feelings.

You are not allowed to turn their daily lives into a battle ground.

No one is forcing you to “accept” a single thing. 

You’re just not being allowed to terrorize people.”

I hadn’t thought of it that way, but it makes so much logical sense to me. No one is forcing anyone to stop believing. They are being calling out on their bad behavior based on their feelings. We are mad as hëll and we aren’t going to take it anymore.

I am grateful for the good and kind people in this world.


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