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Kathleen David's weblog

Happy Birthday to My Mother 2021

Posted By on March 5, 2021

Yesterday I was making Chicken Marsala for the family from my copy of “Recipes from 1146 Lullwater RD by the Cook” which is a cook-book complied by my mother of all the recipes that the family loves. This year Caroline got her copy which she loves.

When I was growing up my mother would make me clothing to wear. I would watch her through the whole process. It seemed like magic at the time. She taught me how to sew and I am teaching Caroline. It might not be magic, but she has given me short cuts and ways of avoiding errors and problems that seem like magic.

I know how to clean and how to get rid of molds and others things that are not nice to have around the house from her. She is a nurse and knows how to make sure things are clean and made sure we knew too.

She is the peacemaker in the house. She knew how to deal with four children, who were 4,3, and 2 years apart. She treated us as individuals and knew what might work for one would not work of the other three. She still does that.

If I ever had a plant question, she is my first call. I have watched her garden and have a hard time not eating fresh off the vine tomatoes.

One of her nicknames is Dr. Mom since we consult her about all kinds of medical things. She is the one who told us to take Peter to the hospital when he was having a stroke rather than drive to pick Caroline up in Jacksonville.

She is an amazing Grandmother to her three granddaughters. They love her very much.

Happy Birthday Mom!

I am glad we facetimed earlier today.

I hope to be there for next year’s celebration.


Your Eldest Daughter



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