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Kathleen David's weblog

MMHCI Troll in the Dungeon

Posted By on February 22, 2021

I was on a panel yesterday about misogyny in fandom both online and at conventions.

It ended up being more about conventions than the Internet and how far we have come along with how far we have to go.

It has changed a lot since I started going to conventions. 

For one thing there are a lot more women and families at these conventions.

Another more recent change is, rather than saying well that’s just so and so and stay away from him, they take it seriously and look into the matter.  

A number of individuals are most surprised when their badge gets yanked for behavior they have gotten away with for years.

I am getting through things in a timely fashion. 

Today I have a list I want to get finished.

Let’s see what I can get done.

I am grateful for improvement in safety and comfort for all at conventions.


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