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Kathleen David's weblog

Day One of Snow

Posted By on February 18, 2021

It is going to be snowing/sleeting/icing for a consistent almost forty-eight hours.

I did what I could to get us ready.

Fortunately, I don’t have a shift until Tuesday.

So, we can hunker down and wait out the snow.

I am really hoping that the garbage gets picked up before it gets too bad.

The cats have all gone to their various favorite warm spots and are napping.

Since I have all this time, I have a cunning plan to get some unfinished objects off my table and start some new projects.

That and a couple of other things that need to be done.

On the plus side, I redid the cat boxes, so we are good for a couple of days.

The cars are covered so we will not be those people who do not brush off the top of their cars. That can be so dangerous on the road.

I am grateful that we got a delivery of heating oil the other day.


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