No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Superb Owl 2021

Posted By on February 7, 2021

Eight years ago I was in Jacksonville to bring Peter home. 

We had a visitor who wanted to see how Peter was doing that caused a bit of a stir at the facility.

(For the VI: On the left is Stephen King wearing a grey t-shirt and glasses. On the right is me wearing a Dark Tower t-shirt)

He arranged to get us home when a nor’easter hit the in New York and allowed me to check off fly on a private jet off my bucket list.

Today we will start with rain that will become snow. The possible totals keep sliding up and down since there is a front to our south that keeps sliding around.

Just as I finished typing the previous paragraph, it started snowing.

We have our usual Super Bowl snacks and plan not to put a toe outside.

I have plans for today. I think I have the energy for them. 

This morning Mewlan, our scaredy cat, has been snuggling up next to insisting on pets. It only took three years, and I am glad for the progress as she had a very hard life before we adopted her. She was a feral who was caught, fixed and, rather than notching her ear, they lopped the top of her left ear off. She was caught again and domesticated. She was adopted but then returned because, at times, she walked like a drunken sailor. They warned us she might have brain damage. When we took her to our vet, we found out that her knees in the back would pop in and out of place thus giving her that strange walk on occasion. She has settled in and, when she wants to be, is quite the lovey.

I hope to have a finished product or two to show on Tuesday.  

I am grateful for not having to go outside today.

Oh and The Bucs by 7.


One Response to “Superb Owl 2021”

  1. Tom Keller says:

    :sigh: Another one lost to the cult of cheating.

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