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Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI What will be the new normal?

Posted By on February 6, 2021

We were talking at work about COVID and the vaccine. It came up in the discussion that we are never going back to life as it was before COVID. There are changes that are going to be permanent both socially, physically, and mentally.

There is going to be fallout from this for years to come. 

I have work today then I am off until Wednesday which I am happy with since it means I am not going into work during yet another snowstorm.

I am going to pick up one or two things we need after work so if we are trapped for a day or so, we are covered for the basics.

Tomorrow is the Superb Owl. Peter is debating if he is going to live blog the commercials. 

I am concerned for the mental health of my country. We are almost at the year mark from when this all started, and it had been terrifying.

I am concerned for our children and their schooling. Remote learning only works if the student is motivated to do the work. And we will have a generation of children whose social interactions were stunted.

We will get through this but in what condition is anyone’s guess.

I am grateful for positive news and working towards the new normal.


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