No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

MMHCI Snow Day Edition

Posted By on February 1, 2021

Since it is currently snowing sideways.

It looks like it is going to snow for forty-eight hours. 

Of course this happened on February 1st. We seem to get most of our snow in February.

Yesterday I prepared us for this. We got the larder stocked, cars covered, the trash out, and the cat boxes cleaned. Pretty much anything that needed to be done outside.

That is a good thing as I don’t see us even stepping a toe outside until Wednesday.

Overall, I am feeling stable which is a nice change. Not running between highs and lows helps my mental health.

Knowing that I have to stay put is in a strange way comforting. 

I am making chicken soup from scratch for dinner. I love the smell in the house as the soup is cooking.

I am working on getting things done today and I feel I can do it.

I am grateful for a pause.


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