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Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI Bohemian Rhapsody

Posted By on January 31, 2021


(Noun) a socially unconventional person, especially one who is involved in the arts.

(Adjective) socially unconventional in an artistic way.

I have worn the title of Bohemian proudly. 

It describes me rather well.

I have never been conventional. I have never felt like I fit into the normal.

I have a brain that goes so much faster than most. I can problem solve really quickly. This has been an asset at my job because I can help customers get the right material and tools to create things.

I am a terrific researcher. When I get interested in a topic, I work on learning as much as I can on it. I also have excellent retention of the information so ever years later I can pull it up in my brain.

A majority of my friends are also Bohemians in all sorts of ways.

Like attracts like, I guess.

I enjoy having creative people in my life. They spur me on to create my own art.

I don’t think I could live a conventional life. It is just not in my DNA.

My parents are professors. My brothers and sister express their creativity in different ways. We were encouraged as children to be smart and creative. To be the best we could be.

I went into theater as a career with all the nomadic qualities that had. 

I have been involved with science fiction fandom since I was a teenager.

I felt an outcast in school, but I did find my tribe and we supported each other through that cruel time. Constant bullying did nothing for my self-esteem and has made me self-conscious about what I say about myself for fear of getting slammed for ‘bragging’. 

That little stain stays on my soul to this day. 

I can promote the heck out of anything except when it comes to self-promotion. Then I become very uncomfortable from things that happened over forty years ago.

I love teaching others what I know. I love passing on the knowledge I have gained over the years. I may not have a formal classroom, but I am a teacher at heart.

I have been very lucky that I have been able to live a bohemian life with all the adventures along the way.

If you had told me as a teenager about my life in front of me, I would have laughed really hard because my future would not have seem possible to my teen-age self.

But here I am proud bohemian and intellectual. 

I am grateful for all the people who have supported me through the years.


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