No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Big Pot of Good Coffee

Posted By on January 24, 2021

I didn’t drink coffee until my mid 20s. Before that I was a tea drinker.

It was while I was working at the Barter Theater in Abington Virginia that I started drinking coffee. It was due to an actor who had his wife send him his favorite coffee beans and he would methodically create the most wonderful cup of coffee. By the end of my contract there, I loved coffee.

One of the perks at Borders was fresh good coffee in the breakroom and, if you brought your own cup, you could get free coffee at the café.

I became a coffee fiend. Probably a 5 to 6 cup a day drinker.

At Del Rey, we had free coffee available all day, so I didn’t slow down my caffeine consumption. Especially mid-afternoon.

This all came to a screeching halt when I became pregnant with Caroline and I cut back to once a day.

Since then, I tend to have a cup or two in the morning and avoid caffeine after 1 pm.

That did improve my sleep patterns for a while.

There are days that I make myself a big pot of coffee and drink my way through it.

I feel a little more wired that day, so I pick and choose when I want to do this.

Today seemed a good day to do this so I am on the coffee train.

My new favorite comic strips are <1> Sarah Scribbles</i> and <i>Phoebe and her Unicorn.</i>.

I really liked today’s Phoebe and her Unicorn

<img src=’’ alt=” title=’Phoebe and her unicorn’ />

It is true that that anticipation is greater than having a thing. I have to remember that.

I am grateful for large warm pots of good coffee.


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