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Kathleen David's weblog

Crafty Tuesday: Ideas I have! Execution not so much…

Posted By on January 19, 2021

I am not at a loss for ideas. I have so many.

What I am working on is my follow through.

Right now, I have ideas for plushies, puppets, costumes, dolls, and clothing.

Then there are all the writing ideas I have.

Right now, I am working on some of my PhDs (Projects half done) to clear the decks for the next project.

I have a slightly wacky idea of selling just puppet bodies. They are called Blankkets and then the buyer can embellish them any way they want. I have to figure out if there is any interest.

Then there are the anime related ideas that I want to get done before Anime NYC especially if we can get a table.

I am sorting out a way to display my work if we ever go to a convention again.

Then there is my website that really need both a revise and new things on it.

I feel a bit paralyzed by all that I want/need to do creatively.

I will continue with the project I was working on last then move onto the next. 

Baby steps until I get my momentum going so I am not doing everything last minute.

I am grateful for forward momentum.


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