No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Martin Luther King Day 2021 Edition

Posted By on January 18, 2021

On Wednesday we swear in Joe Biden as President but more importantly to this day we swear in Kamala Harris as Vice President.

I think Dr. King would be proud of that. She is a woman. She is a person of color. She believes in fighting for those who have little to no voice in government.  

I wish them both nothing but the best.

Civil rights being applied to everyone is still an upward struggle. 

Until 1967, interracial marriage was illegal in some states. Now no one even blinks about a mixed race couple.

2015 marriage became marriage for all. Not gay marriage or straight marriage, just marriage. My friends who had been together longer than most straight marriages last these days could finally get all the rights and privileges that straight marriage had enjoyed for so many years. 

We are fighting a battle for the rights of American citizens to vote. That should be a no brainer but there are those in power that want to stay in power so they do everything they can to suppress votes that they know will go against them.

1920 was the first-time women could vote. And we remember that inequality every time we walk to the ballot box.

In 1964 we eliminated the poll tax which made it close to impossible for the poor and marginalize to vote. That it took until 1964 to get rid of this obstacle to voting is appalling.

I would love to get rid of the ability of anyone to gerrymander districts to their favor.

I also think that the electoral college is a dinosaur.

The voice of the people, as a whole, needs to be heard. Not the few with the loudest voices or slippery tricks.

I think Dr. King would be proud at how far we have come would encourage us to continue to do better for all.

I am grateful that I grew up in Atlanta.


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