No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Woke Up at 5 AM

Posted By on January 15, 2021

After a very strange dream about explaining why America likes French fries so much to a bunch of aliens that looked like potatoes.

Haven’t a clue what that one was about.

Today is house cleaning round 2. Then onto several projects.

I read an article in the Washington Post breaking down the demographics of votes by a variety of metrics. The purpose of the article seemed to be to myth bust some of the assumptions of Trump supporters and the attack on the capital. Trump once said he loved the poorly educated and that lead to the assumption that if one supports Trump, they are not educated. The article then went on to income and the other statistics. In the comments section the readers pointed out what a majority of those seditionists had in common, they are racist with a majority believing in white supremacy. There should be no tiptoeing around that fact. It should be front and center.

Someone compared 2020 to that Sesame Street classic “The Monster at the End of the Book”. They are not far off except the monster crept into 2021 and we are still turning pages.

The first two episodes of Wanda Vision are up on Disney+. I have been looking forward to this since it was first announced. 

One of the cats is snoring. It is a very odd sound.

Sun is starting to rise. The color of the light is changing outside. I love to watch the sun rise and set. I love the colors and qualities of light that accompany it.

There is a quiet before the dawn that I like. It feels like moving from one day to the next.

My David Bowie playlist has been pretty much on repeat for the past two days. He was the master of many musical styles and re-invented himself and his music several times.

I have hope for the future but am concerned about the next month for my country and its democracy.

Good time not to go anywhere.

I am grateful for all the sunrises and sunsets I have seen over the years.


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