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Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI Blank is My Mind

Posted By on January 9, 2021

One of the phrases that became part of our family lexicon was from The Empire Strikes Back which is, “Do or do not. There is no try”.

Well, there is some exceptions as there are in all things.

Today I am in do mode. I have a list that I will execute by day’s end. 

I have let parts of the house get away from me since I started working. I am going to take the day to put everything back. There are a number of projects that have left things behind that need to be put away. 

Then I want to start on the next unfinished object.

I know my brain is ready to go when I can do Sudoku with ease. Once I can see patterns, then I know I am ready to go.

I am working through going to work and what needs to happen at home.

It is interesting to have to do this balancing act again. Makes me appreciate my free time even more. 

I am grateful for organization in all forms.


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