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Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI Georgia On My Mind

Posted By on January 8, 2021

I grew up in Georgia. Right now, I am very proud of my state. They did the right thing and voted in numbers never seen before for a run-off.

What should have been a day of celebration became a day of horror as the nation watched a vocal minority committed acts or treason and sedition on our nation’s Capital Building egged on by their leader and his toadies.

I moved to Atlanta when I was six when my father accepted a job at Georgia Tech. My mother accepted a job at the nursing school at Emory. They both worked their way to tenured positions and eventually became Professors at their respective colleges.

Coming from Boston to Atlanta was a bit of culture shock for me. I learned about the civil war and Martin Luther King along with the civil rights movement and segregation.

It changed my perceptions of my country and its history.

We were talking yesterday about what happened in the Capital the day before. Caroline said that this would be in the history books by the time her children were in high school. I pointed out that she will be asked by her children where she was when this event occurred like how I told her about 9-11 or when man walked on the moon.

I met Stacy Abrams very briefly at DragonCon. I hadn’t a clue who she was until a staff member informed me. She is the powerhouse behind the wins in Georgia. I applaud her actions and her ability to motivate marginalize people to vote. Ever vote did count.

We have to be more vigilant about protecting our democracy than ever. It is at a tipping point.

I do have hope for our future. We just had to get there.

(For the. VI: This is a sunrise with the. yellow. of the sun reflecting red. on the clouds.

I am grateful for the results in Georgia.


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