No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

As the days blend together

Posted By on January 2, 2021

First day of 2021 was peaceful, which was very nice.

We watched the new episode of Doctor Who. No spoilers. I thought it was a solid episode and they finally found a way of making an old villain new again in a very odd way.

Now we wait for the series to start.

I am happy to see that the Watch starts soon. It is based on Terry Prachett’s Disk -world. I hope it helps introduce others to his work.  

Today I am working on several projects half done.  I am finishing a coat and a hat.

Tomorrow I will finish a couple of puppets that need eyeballs and they are done.

Then onto the next two projects.

The only reason I know it is Saturday is because I looked at my iPhone.

I worked Tuesday through Thursday this next week.

That gives me some time to do other things I need/want to get done. 

I am grateful for a permanent position at Michaels. 


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