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Kathleen David's weblog

Can we please get rid of the Yeah Buts?

Posted By on November 13, 2020

I have noticed something that is really grinding my gears that I am seeing more and more.

We have a feel-good story or a moment that shows humanity at its best form then someone comes along and says Yeah, but then proceeds to ruin any chance of the story ever feeling good again.

A large cat acts like a kitten with a cardboard box and uses that cat adage “If I sits, I fits”. It is a silly thing to bring a smile to one’s face. Then we get the yeah but about something bad that happened at that zoo to some animal and zoos are evil.

Policemen takes a knee with Black Lives Matter groups who are protesting yet another death of a black man at the hands of the police. It is good to see some support within the police department for this heinous act. Yeah but steps in and gives us all the problems with this including one of the officers who had a number of disciplinary hearings for using excessive force during arrests. 

A black man is killed by police. They say they were in fear for their life. The mother was there pleading with them to not shoot her boy that he had mental problems and wasn’t going to harm anyone. His rap sheet is paraded around to prove that the officers might be justified by the yeah but groups.

We can’t have nice things anymore without someone trying to break them.

Sometimes we just need a win, a moment of silliness to break the gloom, something to make us smile and not feel guilty about doing so.

Considering the number of books and magazines that are supposes to help one find happiness, I find it sad that so many people find their happiness in tearing other people down. If others are unhappy, they are happy. And that is not healthy.

Right now, mentally, the United States is not healthy. We need a few happy moments to remind us of how things were and how they could be.

And if that is a tiger in a box or some silly meme about hamsters, let’s take that at face value and not try to tear it down.

We need to take care of each other. We need to remember how to empathize with others. We need to work on our moral core and make sure it is strong.

We need to lose the yeah but to everything that happens both good and bad.

We can do this. We just have to want to do so.

I am grateful for silly things on the Internet that make me smile.


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