No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Black Friday 2020

| November 27, 2020

Considering what is going on, this will be a very different shopping day. Rather than crowds rushing through the doors, we have organized lines that allows only so many in the story at one time I honestly would not mind if that became the norm. I have a work shift this afternoon. I have no […]

Thanksgiving 2020

| November 26, 2020

255 days ago, New York went into a shut down the likes of which we have never seen and hope never to see again. That has made this holiday, for many, rather different. My mother is making meals to go for my family in Atlanta so they can enjoy her cooking in safe conditions. We […]

Random Things I am Thankful For Before the Coffee Kicks In 2020 Edition

| November 25, 2020

This year has really made me re-evaluate what I find important in my life.  I am thankful for my family both by blood and by choice. They have helped me more than they will ever know. I am thankful for my job. I know how hard it is to get one these days and I […]

Crafty Tuesday Giving Thanks for what I have

| November 24, 2020

I got called in Monday to work so there was no entry yesterday. However, I planned on this week doing a series of entries about things I am thankful for this past year. Today is about my creative thanks. This year has been both productive and frustrating at the same time. I have created things […]

RTBTCKI Saturday and my dance card is full

| November 21, 2020

Today I have to work from 8:00-12:30. Caroline is taking a defensive driving course online. Peter is writing the next comic he needs to write. We have some plans for the rest of the day as well. Tomorrow I have an early shift and am teaching a sewing lesson. Then I have two days to […]