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Kathleen David's weblog

Monday Mental Health Check In: Stepping Back

Posted By on October 5, 2020

After all that happened the past week both on the world stage, the US stage, and here at home, I really feel the need to step back and get off the Internet for a while.

To step away from the twenty-four hours news cycle for a bit. Anything critical, I am sure that Peter will inform me.

It has become overwhelming to the point of being oppressive. I get anxiety every time I get a news notification over my phone wondering what new disaster happened or who died.

And that tells me I need to step back.

I need to focus on things outside of my various screens other than writing.

My need to be an introvert for a bit is strong.

Part of this might come from starting a new job and having other people to interact with so I will not be as dependent on the Internet for social interaction.

I can’t place one thing that is making me feel this way.

I am going to try to keep up things here so this is where to find out what I am doing.

I am grateful for realizing what I needed to do for me.


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