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Kathleen David's weblog

MMHCI If I have done you harm, I apologize

Posted By on September 28, 2020

Today is Yom Kipper in which Jews are encouraged to make amends and ask for forgiveness for sins committed in the last year.

The closest equivalent I have in my life is the act of confession. Where we ask God, not the person we wronged for forgiveness. Although that could be part of one’s penance. 

Asking for forgiveness and giving forgiveness for hurts done is sort of not talk about much except in certain situations. 

It is hard to admit we were wrong. Even if we know we were in the wrong.

It can be even harder when we think we are right then we are proven wrong in our beliefs. 

A sincere apology feels amazing. 

An insincere apology just hurts more.

One of the steps in the Alcoholics Anonymous is to make amends to those one has wronged. 

It does not mean that the wronged have to accept the apology. Not everything can be forgiven.

When I apologize, I am sincere. If I screw up, I will cop to it. It is something that I have done most of my life. Because of that, people believe me when I say this one is not on me. 

I try to be an honest person. 

What you see on the Internet is how I am in real life. I have not tried to create a persona for online that is different from how I am off-line. I don’t see the point. I really don’t have another me I want to try on or want to experiment with. 

I have people comment on that when they meet me in person that I am just like I am online. 

I try to live a good and honest life. It makes me feel comfortable.

But we all trip up from time to time.

If I have harmed or upset you, I do apologize sincerely. 

I plan to spend part of the day reflecting on the past year and what I could have done better.

I am grateful for forgiveness.


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