No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

This one is about Caroline

Posted By on September 26, 2020

Today is National Daughter Day.

Today Caroline is taking her SATs so think good thoughts for her. It is a rite of passage on her way to the college of her choice.

I have the privilege to watch Caroline grow up. I have seen her go from baby to toddler to child to teen to the young lady she is today.

And she continues to amaze me each and every day.

One thing that the lockdown has done that was a positive is the daily walks that Caroline and I take every day. We get exercise and have gotten to know each other much better. We plan out what we want to do and when. Caroline tells me about things she is interested in and I tell her the same. I listen to her when she needs to just vent about something. We discuss the world around us and what we can do to make it a better place.

We knew each other before and has what we call Mommy/Daughter time, but this daily conversation has only deepened our relationship.

I teach her things and she will take it to the next level. 

She is a good student who knows how to manage her time. She tends to get things done rather than let them hang over her head. She has a good idea how long it takes her to do things and she budgets her time accordingly. These skills will serve her well throughout her life.

She is maturing as an artist and is producing amazing work. I love watching her draw. The focus she has is amazing. 

`She loves to sew and create costumes she can wear along with street clothing. 

She has her own website to sell her artwork which you can find at

Shapeshifter Draws

She does take commissions.

She has shown me how to do things and short cuts on my iPad and iPhone. She has insanely long thumbs which makes it easy for her to text. Her fingers are longer than mine and my fingers are not short.

I think she will do great things in the future. She has the drive to be her best and work towards what she wants.

I am proud of my daughter and all she has accomplished. I look forward to what she will do with her life. 

I am grateful that I have Caroline as a daughter.


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