No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI Happy Birthday to the Amazing Mark Hamill

Posted By on September 25, 2020

Today is friend of the family Mark Hamill’s birthday. He turns 69 today. 

If you haven’t seen the Uber Eats ad with Mark and Patrick Stewart, give yourself a little geek treat and watch them. I found myself giggling and I never giggle.

Caroline is adjusting to school and how she needs to navigate her senior year. The mix of attending school and remote learning is a bit of an adjustment but she is soldering through. Tomorrow she takes the SAT so think good thoughts for her.

Today is errand day along with cat boxes and laundry. I am going to focus on home and hearth today. 

Tomorrow is sewing lessons. We are working on Halloween costumes.

The cats were playing with the zumzums that have become their toys. I came into the kitchen and they were scattered all over the floor. I will gather them up and toss them into the cat basket for the cats to find. I did notice that each cat has their favorites. Inky likes Kermit and Miss Piggy as she will gather those and sleep with them. 

I keep seeing all these ads for Pumpkin spice things. And what keeps going through my head is the phrase from Dune, “The Spice Must Flow”.  And can we stop belittling those who enjoy pumpkin spice things? Let them enjoy their time of the year.

I am frustrated right now about a number of things that I have no control over. I am doing what I can with what I can control. It is just the chaos outside our door is spinning out of control. I get sick to my stomach every time I watch the news.

I have been taking a bit of an Internet break and plan on continuing it for a bit. I check in once a day then nope out until the next day. I need to focus on the here and now.

It is Suicide prevention month. I am a shining example of that it does get better. I do understand when those voices whisper that the world would be better off without you. Where it seems that the world is against you. Where you can’t see an out or a ray of sunshine. I didn’t succeed and I am glad.

Right now, the mental health of the world is poor. We are mourning what we have lost and that is perfectly healthy. We have loss right now. Grief is a funny thing. It does not just happen at the loss of a loved one. We can grieve for lots of things. Missed opportunities. Our health. Losing a friend. Our body not able to do something it could do. Social isolation. Our lived as they were before March.

It is OK to grieve and feel the loss. It does not make you a weakling. 

Processing what has happened this year has been incredibly difficult. 

I am here and I am listening.

I am grateful for coffee makers that work.


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