No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

A Touch of Fall in the Air

Posted By on September 20, 2020

Or we are thinking of turning on the heat.

It is crisp this morning. I actually needed the blanket to feel comfortable while sleeping.

This will go on for about two more days before we go back to summer weather and I plan to enjoy it.

Today the cats have all picked a cushion on the large cough to call their own except Phoebe who is in her favorite box having spend a chunk of the morning asleep on my chest.

Caroline is going into the city to meet up with friends again. They are planning on playing in Central Park for the day. She has her hand sanitizer and masks ready to go. She needs these sorts of excursions to create a feeling of a safe normal.

Peter and I are thinking about practicing bowling and a couple of errands we need to run.

I filled out my paperwork for the job at Micheals. All things being equal, I start a week from Monday. I am looking forward to it.

Yesterday was my sewing lesson. I am teaching a friend’s child how to sew so that they can start putting together some projects that they want to do. We are working on their Halloween costume. It is going to be awesome when done. I am thinking about putting the word out locally to see if I can make this a side business. I like doing it one on one because then I can tailor it to the student’s needs and ideas.

I need to get my puppet on and get product out that I can sell because I can make money there as well. I know I am crafty and can make things people want or desire. Just have to get it in front of the right audience.

I have ways of bringing in income. I just have to figure out how to make it work.

Today I have to write an essay for a Spanish comic book magazine about Peter and me. I think I have it figured out. I am going to write it then let Peter read it over.

Other than that, I have some ideas of what I want to do but I am going to let the day flow as it needs.

It is what I need to do for me.

I am grateful for comfortable clothing.


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