No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

RTBCKI Just Another Day

Posted By on September 17, 2020

The meld of the days continues. 

We do have a little more structure, but I still feel a bit at loose ends overall.

Today Caroline is remotely learning things. That gives her control of her time and how she uses it. She is good at time management, so this works for her. I feel sorry for all the parents who have children that need the school structure to learn. I know I am very lucky in that regard.

Five years ago, today Peter went to NYC to the BBC America and got Missy to Michele Gomez who loved the puppet and gave Peter a big hug. I got mine about a year later. 

(For the VI: This is a black and white photo of Michele Gomez holding her Missy puppet with the moderator standing to the right. Behind her on the screen it says (re)turns this Saturday then the BBC America logo underneath.)

This led to a disheveled Norrington from Pirates of the Caribbean being made because she is married to Jack Davenport and their child had so much fun creating adventures with Missy. 

(For the VI: On the left is Michele Gomez wearing cat ears making a kissy face at the Norrington puppet with is very scruffy.)

It is one of those fun things that has happened in my life because of the puppets.

I filled out the paperwork for the job. Now I am waiting to see when they want me to come in and get oriented. Then I start work and happy to have it.

Because of that I find myself getting some things done around the house Kind of a clean up before I start.

I plan on keeping that up today.

We have a couple of other things we need to do as well. 

There is supposed to be some rain this evening which we do need. I think it might miss us again and the north shore will get hit. That is the current pattern.

My brain is hopping around this morning from thought to thought. I call this my squirrel brain. I know I have it settled when I can focus and do Sudoku. 

 I read John Cleese’s new book “Creativity: A Short and Cheerful Guide” in less than an hour but it was well worth it. Much of what he writes I already do but he gave me another way to think about creativity and how the creative brain works. 

It was nice to read a paper book again. I have been reading so much online/electronically. I feel like it takes some different mental muscles to read a paper book. I cannot explain it, but I know it to be true for me.

Bowling did not go well. We were giving away over 200 sticks which is basically giving the other team a fourth bowler. On top of that we had someone, who is bowling for average, bowled crappy last week but holds a 150 average normally, so he killed us with a series of strikes. The rest of the team bowled over their averages as well so there was no catching up with them.

Yesterday marks a year since Pheobe joined our clouder of cats. She was socialized with other cats from the time she was a kitten therefor she integrated pretty seamlessly into the group. She has proven to be an affectionate and amusing animal with a big personality in her little body. We are glad she is in our lives. I love my kitten hugs from her or waking up with her asleep on top of me totally content. 

I think I am going to go make a paper list of things I need/want to do and see what I can get done.

I am grateful that we have Phoebe, Mewlan, Inky, and Fig in our lives.


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