No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Six Months into the COVID-19 pandemic

Posted By on September 16, 2020

184 days since this all started here in New York.

We had 75 days of 2020 before this all hit, and the world turned upside down.

So, we have been dealing with this for over twice the amount of time than before we knew what we were dealing with.

We have learned how to protect ourselves. Masks, hand washing, and being aware of your health and the health around you.

It doesn’t mean that I am not leery about going out in public. I have worked to not feel like I am going to panic when I have to deal with the populous at large. And I get angry when I see people not taking precautions or wearing their mask wrong or not at all. If everyone just followed the rules/guidelines, we would be done with this. Instead we are the laughingstock of the world.

I have learned a lot these past six months about myself and my family. I discovered a resilience that I thought I had lost. 

Caroline and I have grown closer together as mother and daughter. Our daily walks are important to both of us. We have learned a lot about each other through them. I have been able to tell her stories of my life and growing up in Atlanta. We have talked about conventions and cosplay. We plan out what we are going to do. 

I finally found a six pack of my favorite paper towel just when I was down to one roll from the last mega pack I bought back in February. I can find our preferred toilet paper. Recently I can find a couple of items that have not been on the shelves since they sold out in March. 

I prefer dining outdoors as it is safe than within the restaurant. Even safer is not dining out at all.

I have lost twenty pounds since this all started. Consistent exercise and a lot less beer in my diet helped a lot. I want to keep this up and see how low I can go. Recently my local YMCA re-opened the weight room which is my favorite room in the gym. There are a lot of rules, but I can make it work. 

Caroline has lost waist and all her clothes fit loose on her.  She has worked hard to get to this point and plans on continuing this.

I have found t-shirts that were a bit tight around the waist that are no longer so.

That is one of the few positives I take out of the last six months.

It has been frustrating time with just a much uncertainty of what is next as we had six months ago. 

I take my little victories as I can and just deal with the rest of it.

Let’s be safe out there and take care of yourself and each other.

We can get through this together but only if we work together.

I am grateful that New York got this under control to a point.


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