No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

MMHCI: A Bit of Normal

Posted By on September 14, 2020

Today Caroline went to school. Peter drove her to minimize contact that she would have on the bus. We will pick her up. But she is at school which gives her a little bit of the old normal.

We had our bowling league on Wednesday which again was a little piece of normal.

Our local Y is open including the all-important weight-lifting area. I plan on getting back to that this week along with our daily walks. A piece of normal drops into place.

As these happen, I feel a little like Schrödinger’s Cat in that normal and not normal are happening at the same time. 

Which leads to mixed emotions about everything.

I might get some more normal in my life as I have a job interview after not even getting that for about two years now. I have been applying around to local businesses and the like and there has been silence or being told that I am overqualified for the position or they hired within. Which means my resume is being used to justify that the person within is right for the job.

That is very frustrating. Now I do have a shot at a job that I would excel at and it is not seasonal, but it is part time which is probably the best fit for me right now.

I have health insurance through Peter’s job, so I am OK on that. 

I am working my way to my new normal on so many levels. 

This will change once we have the virus under control. 

Today I am going to work on cleaning up from the past couple of projects Caroline and I have been working on. I want to get the room back to what it was before we turned it into the sewing room/craft space. Creating normalcy.

Mentally I am OK right now. I am just trying to figure out what is the new normal for me and for those around me.

I am grateful for bits and pieces of normal that are back in my life.


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