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Kathleen David's weblog

Happy Grandparents Day 2020

Posted By on September 13, 2020

Did you know this is Grandparents Day?

The first Sunday after Labor Day has been designated Grandparents Day. It was signed into being in 1978 by Jimmy Carter and first celebrated in 1979.

This day is to educate the youth of our country about the importance of seniors and their contributions they have made throughout history.

I had a good relationship with my grandparents. I loved them all very dearly and they loved me. 

I learned a lot from them. 

My time on the farm with my material grandmother has given me a perspective that I would not have otherwise. I learned that you don’t name farm animals because they are farm animals and not pets. Deer are large pests. And there is nothing like a tomato right off the vine still warm from the sun.

My parents are awesome grandparents to their grandchildren. 

The college fund they set up after Caroline was born has taken a lot of pressure off of how we are going to pay for college. She is very grateful for it. That’s on my mind because she is in the middle of figuring out what is next for her. That and she just finished her third supplemental essay for the schools she is applying to. 

They are there for their grandchildren however they need to be. 

Caroline has a great relationship with them. She stays connected with them and keeps them up to date on what they are doing. My parents send her emails with things they think she would find interesting or useful.

I know they are proud of the achievements of their grandchildren.

They have three very smart and very creative granddaughters who work hard at school and I believe are going to do great with whatever they put their minds to.

My parents raised four children and provided for us so we would have a happy and safe childhood.

My mother taught nursing for over forty years and taught others how to teach. She overcame many obstacles to get where she is today. She got out of the small town she was born in to go on to earning a PhD and becoming well known in her field. She is a master gardener. She is a gourmet cook and anyone who have had the pleasure of getting Christmas cookies can attest to her abilities as a baker. She taught me how to use a sewing machine and how to sew. She is there for me and Caroline no matter what.

My father taught optics for over forty years. He is well known in his field. He made sure that I had a solid science and math background. He is also lover of words and word play. He does the New York Times crossword puzzle every day. He taught me about tools and tool safety. He is an artist. I still have the cloisonne pins he made for me. I loved the doodles he did on my camp letters. He is an excellent photographer and taught me a lot about photography. He is there for me and Caroline no matter what.

I have my love of the arts because of my parents. They took us to museums and galleries and taught us about various periods of art. I passed this onto Caroline because I think it is important to know about art. Caroline loves going to museums with her grandparents. I was introduced to theater by my parents along with ballet and classical music concerts. And again, I passed that onto Caroline.

They are part of the greatest generation and prove it every day.

I am grateful my parents are active in Caroline’s life.


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