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Kathleen David's weblog

RTBTCKI September 11, 2020

Posted By on September 11, 2020

Nineteen years ago, I was working my dream job as an associate editor at Del Rey books. 

What happened that day eventually lost me my job there which, looking back, is a mixed bag for me. 

On the one side I am not working at a job I loved but on the other side is getting to watch my daughter grow up into a lovely young woman and all the other adventures we had because I was not tied to a job in the city.

This day is hard for me. I was in the city with no idea if I was going to be able to get home or what else might be coming. 

I heard the boom when the tower fell and saw the dust cloud roll up Broadway. I will never forget that. It chilled me to my core.

That day changed a lot for me. The aftermath did the same.

This year there is a contrast with the pandemic that has killed over 190,000 people just in America and over 910,000 have died worldwide. I think those numbers are undercounted.

I have been talking to some friends about this and we find ourselves thinking back to this day nineteen years ago and the AIDs crisis in the 80s where we lost friends and loved ones to HIV (human immunodeficient virus).

I thought that over the years this day would get easier but with all that is going on it is harder this year.

In some ways the world is experiencing what we had to deal with during the AIDs crises. Some of the old coping mechanisms came right back online. 

In other ways it is September 11 and the aftermath in that we have no idea what is going to happen next. The not knowing from 9/11 was much shorter than what we have now.

Today I am going to post this then take a break from the Internet today. I just need some time away from all the noise to allow myself to think and feel without outside input.

I will still be posting blogs but that may be about it for me and the world wide web.

I am grateful for everyone who helped each other nineteen years ago.


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