No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

DragonCon 2020 Saturday of Conventions Past

Posted By on September 5, 2020

Saturday has morphed a bit from what it was originally.

There were two constants for me, the banquet and Sean’s party. 

Last year was the first year without the banquet which felt strange, but I do understand the reasons for doing away with it. Just made it harder to get invites to people for the party.

The banquet was always interesting for so many reasons. A big one was, because Peter gave out the Julie Award, who we got to meet at our table that evening.

I have so many good stories from that. 

It was there I first met Brian Froud and later became friends with the family. 

I got to tell Terry Gilliam how much his work means to me and we had a discussion about mental health I plan to talk about later next week. 

We got to meet John Lewis through Nichelle Nichols who knows us. Caroline discussed Civil Rights past and present and what needs to be done. Congressman Lewis told us that if Caroline ran for president, he would vote for her. 

Got to watch Peter David talk to Peter Capaldi about a project and his next novel. 

Talked to Caroll and Deb Spinney and Brian Henson about puppetry and the viability of the art form. 

Introduced George and Brad Takei to my friends. This was right after their wedding.

Caroline met Lucy Lawless and they instantly bonded.

And that is just the tip of the iceberg.

I have talked about Sean’s parties over the years.

He has been called the Party God and his cocktails are legendary. 

He picks a theme and then creates an immersive environment for his guests.

The invite itself is highly coveted. I have most of them but not all of them. I think I know two people who have a complete set besides Sean.

Last year he recreated the coin use in the John Wick movies and built a door, so you dropped the coin in, and the door opened.

His press pass was so good that people used it to get into places that you could only get into with a press pass.

I could wear two weeks of t-shirts that Sean created for his various parties. 

It is there that I can meet up with people that I can only wave to outside of the party. We catch up on life and everything. 

I love the discussions that I get into there. 

Then there are the people who help Sean run the party. 

The twins Javier and Cesar are a constant there. Doormen who are over 6 foot and built like linebackers helps to keep people in line. They are also Peter David fans that are now Peter David friends. 

Jeff and Angelo always pitched in and helped Sean with the graphics and props for the parties. Angelo’s graphic design skills were amazing. Jeff is the ultimate doorman as he can keep people in line and doesn’t take fools well. He doesn’t care what you think of him. He is going to do his job.

Vin is another of Sean’s doorman and barbacks that knows how to keep the party safe. He doesn’t take any guff and can get people causing problems to move along. He is a sweet guy with a rough exterior.

I miss seeing all of them this weekend. 

I am grateful for all the fun I have had at DragonCon on Saturday.


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