No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

RTBCKI From Sun-up

Posted By on September 2, 2020

First, I would like to wish Ariel a very happy birthday. Hope the day is good to you kiddo.

I woke up, tried to go back to sleep, couldn’t, and got up at five.

Allergies are kicking up and the right half of my face feels swollen and painful. Might be why I couldn’t go back to sleep.

Hard to believe that my birthday is in a week. I will be fifty-seven which is an odd number in my head. I am closer to sixty than fifty. 

Then in three weeks Peter turns Sixty-four. 

The cats settled down without any spats. 

It is cloudy this morning with a set of showers that came through about half an hour ago. That seems to be the theme for the day.

I want to get things done today. I think I am going to go where my whimsey takes me rather than schedule anything. 

I think I am going to start in the living room and do a quick clean up.

Then move onto the next project.

I had to pull out my previous laptop to get some information off of it and I liked the keyboard a heck of a lot better. I think I may need to couple another keyboard to this computer so I can type on it. I have a Bluetooth one that matches pretty much the old keyboard. Now to see if I can get them to talk to each other.

I am grateful for sensible people doing what needs to be done.


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