No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

MMHCI Time has no meaning anymore

Posted By on August 31, 2020

It is the last day of August. In a little over a week, it will be my birthday. 

I am still trying to wrap my brain around that. I swear we just entered August.

This week was a little harder than last week. I am feeling fatigued with no end in sight. 

It is the unknowing that is getting to me right now.

There are things that are clearer to me like how Caroline’s school day is going to work and how we are going to get her there and back.

But there are other things that are still really murky and scary and some getting more so.

The Y is now open but under restrictions that I have to go and sort out what they are because they have contradictions within them.

I think I am frustrated because we still have no idea what is going to happen next. 

I do know that I am getting a flu shot this year. 

I did get things done this past week, but I don’t feel like I did enough. I keep telling myself that whatever I get done is enough, but it is not sticking in my head.

Part of it may be mental fatigue affecting my body. Part of it may be physical pain causing mental fatigue. It is like a snake eating its tail. My mind/body connection is not being kind to me right now.

I am going to take a step back and regroup. I can tell where my mind is at and I need to do some self-care to get myself back to normal or whatever passes for normal these days. 

Peter is taking Caroline to visit her cousins in Connecticut for a while. They have a camp site and camper they are living at right now, so I am sending my child off to summer camp. The house is going to feel different now.

Today I am finishing up Friday Night Workmanship contest judging. Then I will get onto the next thing.

I will survive and thrive even against the odds.

I am grateful for opportunities for Caroline.


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