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Kathleen David's weblog

I Got A Lot To Do Today

Posted By on August 30, 2020

This is probably the first day since this whole thing started that I have a full day of things to do that aren’t the regular things I do.

I have some meetings online. I have to finish up my workmanship judging for DragonCon. That alone will take up a chunk. Then there are a couple to things that need to be done to keep the household together.

Apparently, there is a competition between the fire departments on the training field down the road because I have seen four different companies come by with their vehicles. I expect to smell smoke later today from their controlled burns.

The cats have breakfasted and are now settled down for their naps.

And the shaky hands are back. I hadn’t been having an issue with them rather than the usual but this morning it is a little hard to type as a finger might tap a random key or miss one. That tells me that I need to be careful picking things up so they don’t go flying out of my hands. Fortunately, my head tic is taking a break.

My feet are feeling better. My plantar fasciitis decided to make an appearance in both feet, so I am trying not to limp on either foot. That is a bit of a trick. My podiatrist is doing his best to keep me walking. I have new bone spurs that have developed over time.

I am grateful for the ability to walk evenly.


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