No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

And We are back to Hot Humid August

Posted By on August 27, 2020

We got one day’s respite from the heat and now we are back with the weather I despise the most.

There is the possibility of rain later but that will not cut the humidity. 

Heard around the house, “No that’s Newt’s suitcase, the book of Vashanti

is over there.”

Yes, we really talk like that around here. 

Yesterday Caroline and Peter ran through the Hugh/You dialogue from What’s Up Doc just because of something they heard.

It is interesting the shorthand and inside jokes that appear overtime within a group.

There are the people who were in the room where Guava Paste is People happened who have a story to tell for the rest of their lives.

There are my friends who got stuck in an elevator with Harlan and Susan Ellison that because the stuff of legend.

There are all the Monty Python references that appear throughout fandom like “I’m not dead yet” or “spam spam spam” or “this is an ex-parrot”. 

In theater we end up things and phrases that become part of our company. At Georgia Ensemble Theater the crew would write a certain phrase somewhere on the set and I had the run of the show to find it. Then there was the Sutter Fusty episode which became our swear word.

Among the O’Sheas there is the chorus of yums that run ‘round the table which is from a Flanders and Swan routine along with a plethora from Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy lines. Along with Skippy my evil twin and Sean’s evil twin and Sheila’s evil and Patrick’s evil twin. Adam wears that badge proudly.

There is the shorthand and phrases that the Internet created. Like LOL or MOTI. We have trolls and spam. There is ghosting and memes. It is almost a language unto itself.

There is also personal language that each person creates for themselves.

I have various nicknames for the cats that they are called depending on what they are doing. Figaro is usual called Fig or Boo or Boo Butt. Inky is Inky Dinky Doo or Doo. Mewlan is Mew or Pretty Pretty. Phoebe hasn’t really gained her nickname yet other than Kitten because she is the youngest.

I am grateful for personal language.


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