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Kathleen David's weblog

Wonderful Wednesday: A Kiss of Fall

Posted By on August 26, 2020

This morning I stepped outside to take the paper recycling to the curb and it felt so good.

The temperature was lovely. There is little to no humidity. This is my kind of weather.

I opened the window for the cats who have been sniffing the outside world and enjoying the sunshine. They are living their best kitty lives right now.

I am looking at things I can do outside today because I want to enjoy every minute that I can.

The next-door neighbors are redoing their house. It was gutted and they are rebuilding it. So, there is construction noise starting at 8 and going to about 5.

That is not going to ruin this day for me.

This is the kind of weather that gives me hope for the future. It recharges me.

It is why autumn is my favorite season out of the year. Well that and Halloween.

I am grateful for days like this in August reminded me that the heat will not be forever.


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