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Kathleen David's weblog

Crafty Tuesday I made a Furppet!

Posted By on August 25, 2020


(For the VI: this is a long fur grey and white puppet with blue eyes, black nose and floppy ears.)

And got two more started.

I am going to have them up on my website for sale by the end of the week.

It felt good to get something done and something else started. 

I want to keep this momentum going onto my next project.

I made an artificial deadline pretending that I am getting ready for DragonCon. 

Caroline told me that she likes it when I am in my creative mood. I am more like the mommy she grew up with.

I am also going to pretend Anime NYC is happening and work towards what I would have made for that.

I have mad skills and can make amusing things. Now let’s see if I can sell them.

I am grateful for creative spurts.


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