No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

MMHCI Even Keel

Posted By on August 24, 2020

Monday August 24, 2020 aka Day 48 of the Cautionary Tale.

Things are pretty much stable right now in my head.

I have gotten things done and my mental state is even.

That makes me feel better overall.

It was not a perfect week with some second guessing and panic.

Today I feel more normal than I have in years. 

Better living through chemistry, I guess. But that fine because right now I need something in my system to keep me from spiraling down into the abyss. 

I also know that these medicines are temporary for the most part. 

I would also like to say again that I would really like to get rid of the stigma of taking medicine for the brain. Mental health drugs are treated by many with suspicion. No one questions when someone takes a medication for their blood pressure or cholesterol. Taking a medication that helps one’s anxiety is just the same thing. And right now, a lot of us are very anxious.

Considering what is going on right now, we have every right to feel however we are feeling. The world has PTSD and it is not going away anytime soon. 

Caroline and I were talking about this in relation to what happened on September 11, 2001 and the aftermath. I told her how I changed on that day and how the United States changed on that day. This pandemic is more universal as the entire country is affected by it rather than New York City and Washington DC. We are all feeling the hurt on this one.

I am grateful for a calm mind.


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