No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Watching the Sunrise

Posted By on August 20, 2020

I don’t think I need to say this will be random thoughts before the coffee kicks in.

I woke up before the sun and felt rested. 

Rather than stay in bed, I got up and started my day. 

The cats looked a little surprised when I came downstairs but immediately ran to the kitchen for their breakfast. Now they are settling down around the house for power nap number one for the day.

Today is going to be cooler but humid. We may have a pop-up rainstorm because of the conditions. 

Right now, the golden sunlight is dancing through the trees. It is beautiful. 

There is a calm I love to experience right as my part of the world is waking up. Before the traffic picks up as people go to work. Before the lawn mowers, construction, and chainsaws start up. Where I hear bird song and the breeze.

That gives me a good start to the day because I can use this feeling and keep it moving through the day.

I was such a night owl in my younger days. Now I am an early bird. And I don’t mind that.

I tend to get more done when I get up early. 

I am grateful for sunrises that inspire me.


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