No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

Rainy Sunday Morning

Posted By on August 16, 2020

But without all the wind and the ground had about a week to dry before being hit with more water.

This makes me happy.

I gave another sewing lesson yesterday. I like working one on one with someone teaching them how to use a sewing machine and other tricks I have learned over the years. I look forward to seeing what they will do with the knowledge down the road. I do it in two-hour sessions because that is a good amount of time to get techniques down and not get bored or overwhelmed.

Today we have some errands to run even though it is raining.

Then I have an Art Salon Zoom meeting and an O’Shea Zoom gathering.

Somewhere in there is dinner which I got sorted out in my head about 3 AM this morning.

I have been sleeping but it has been in fits and spurts. Early this week it had to do with the pain in my foot waking me up. Now it is my brain in overdrive about so many things. I did get a good chunk from 11 to 3 and went back to sleep about 4 then woke up at 6. I do feel rested.

I made strong coffee this morning.

I have been picking up cat toys and zumzums from all over the house. They have been playing with them more these days. I can tell where certain cats have been by the toys I find. 

I also have another step for a project to do.

We are watching the Legend of Korra for the first time. I think it is better than Avatar the First Airbender. But you do have to see the first series for this to make sense.

I am grateful for full cups of strong coffee.


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