No Strings Attached

Kathleen David's weblog

My Face reflects My Mood

Posted By on August 12, 2020

I am angry right now for a number of reasons. Some of which I will get into later in this entry.

I have what my sister-in-law calls Resting B*tch Face or RBF which means that when my face is relaxed it looks like I have a permanent frown. I have had my face called harsh and intimidating to my face. I have heard worse when people thought they were out of ear shot. 

It doesn’t help that my eyes are deep set into my head with a strong brow over it. 

This does not mean that I walk around angry all the time. It is just my relaxed face. 

Caroline has the same kind of face and deals with a lot of the same issues.

I have used it to my advantage. It does cut through the bull crap because I do not look like a push over.

Yesterday Joe Biden announced that his running mate is Kamala Harris. She is a solid choice for so many reasons including she has knowledge and skills that will help Biden.

Right off the bat the attacks started on Senator Harris and it is the same BS that is always said about a woman who speaks her mind and will not back down.

And that word ‘nasty’ reared its ugly head from the mouth of Biden’s opponent along with ‘loser’ and his new one ‘disrespectful’.

I know that the Republicans have been sharpening their knives waiting for this day to arrive so they can start their smear campaign. And that makes me mad.

The reduction of strong women to a series of words is a tale as old as time and is a left over from the dominance of patriarchy.

Women are too emotional and fragile.

When a woman shows strong emotions, she is dismissed as hysterical.

When she doesn’t, then she is frigid or a b*tch on wheels. 

If they work hard and go up in the world, then they are power mad or dismissed because they got there through their connections.  If a man uses his resources to better himself, he is praised. 

I have dealt with this because I am married to Peter. 

The assumption is that anything I do in terms of getting published is not my own abilities but because I am Peter David’s wife. 

Do I have connections that others would kill for? Yes. But many of them I got on my own over the years.

I was building and giving away puppets before Peter and I got together. Being married to him is making it easier. Not going to lie about that.

The dismissal of women is something that really angers me.

Women are, according to the tropes, the loving soft caregivers of the family. 

Yes, I do take care of my family and I do it with love. But I am not soft. I tend to work logically rather than emotionally which makes some people call me frigid. 

Intelligent women tended to be labeled with the word ‘uppity’ to dismiss their abilities to think and reason.

‘Uppity’ is a mild version of words that have been thrown at me for being smart and learned. I know many things. I am a sponge for knowledge and can retain what I have learned for years. Makes Jeopardy fun. 

I refuse to apologize for being the smartest person in the room.

I refuse to dumb myself down for the comfort of others. 

Liberal is another word that is being dragged through the mud that I am.

I believe in human and civil rights for all. 

I believe in healthcare for all.

I believe in the ability to get housing is a basic human right.

I believe in sensible gun ownership with the emphasis on sensible. I see no reason for military grade weaponry in the house or on our streets. Anything that makes a deer inedible is not something we need outside the military. Bow hunting takes a hëll of a lot more skill.

I believe that women and men are equal and should get the same pay for the same work. The idea of the man getting paid more because they are the breadwinners needs to go the way of the dodo. Wage inequality is still a major problem in this country.

I believe that the dreamers should have a path to citizenship. They came here without their knowledge or consent and have only know living in the United States. They are hardworking and trying to make something of their lives. 

I believe that immigrants help rather than harm our country. Are there some bad apples? Sure but I think you could say that about any group.

I believe that Black Lives Matter and the egregious abuses of the civil and human rights of black people by the various forms of government is criminal.

I believe the LGTBQ (or whatever the acronym is this week. I cannot keep up) community deserves the same rights as the cis het community. Marriage for all has not lead us down a path of destruction of families and the half a dozen other things that were supposes to happen.

I believe that healthcare providers should not treat men and women differently other than the biological reasons. 

I changed doctors because I was being dismissed as out of shape so lose weight and I would feel better. Where Peter was given anti-inflammatories and the like without the lecture along with PT. Stress was killing me and I was told to lose weight.

Since then I have found that I do have some problems that have nothing to do with my size. A couple of which, if they hadn’t been discovered, could have caused me lots of problems as I get older. I am under the care of a therapist and have various medications to help me with the stress which has helped with the weight. I have lost over 20 pounds during the pandemic that is staying off. 

I believe in my system of government and my country even when it doesn’t look like it is going to survive the assault upon it. 

I am an American and I love my country. 

I want it to work for all its citizens rather than the elite few. 

I am perfectly willing to be called names to achieve this goal. 

I am a strong liberal intelligent woman and I will not back down.

I am grateful to all the women who have worked hard to help with country.


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